Quietly, and without fanfare.
Do not march in central London every fortnight, holding placards and flags. Do not sing. Do not lobby your local MP who voted against a ceasefire in person. Do not lobby your local MP who voted against a ceasefire by email. Do not say ‘From the River to the Sea, Palestine Shall Be Free’. Do not project these words onto the Houses of Parliament. And definitely don’t walk to the Israeli Embassy and set fire to yourself, shouting ‘Free Palestine!’, ‘Free Palestine!’ until your dying breath: that would be insane thing to do.
Ideally, do not use words.
Do not sign open letters listing your profession and the company you work for. Do not share images of murdered people on the internet. Do not get angry. Do not confront politicians in public places and suggest that they are complicit in genocide. Do not blockade the transportation of arms to Israel. Don’t boycott Soda Stream. Do not use awards season as an opportunity to talk about the genocide. Do not stop your bestselling novel from being published in Israel.
Remember that cultural boycotts are antisemitic.
Do not throw rocks. Do not teach your children about their history. Do not tie yourself to the olive trees as the soldiers arrive on your land. Do not attack the soldiers as they take your son away. Do not attack the soldiers as they take your daughter away. Do not cry. Do not scream. Do not fire rockets. Do not throw molotovs. Do not cook Maqlouba if your children are released from prison. Do not give the children sweets.
Do nothing that could be considered inflammatory.
Bury your dead quietly, and without fanfare. Do not show their blood stained shrouds to the media. Do not read poetry. Do not write poetry. Do not think there will be any publishing houses left in Gaza by the time the genocide is over. Do not think. Do not hope. Do not demand rights. Do not refuse to leave your home. Do not let your children fly kites on the beach. Do not let them swim in the ocean.
If in doubt, do nothing.

Hello friends,
I’m away this week, so this is a shorter edition of The Murmuration. I hope it still provides food for thought. A particular welcome to any new readers who have joined our number in the past couple of weeks. I’m glad you are here.
The Murmuration is an essay-based newsletter sent out every fortnight covering politics, culture, life, and any questions that are on my mind. It is a reader-supported publication, meaning that some subscribers financially support it’s creation. They also receive Golden Hour on a Sunday. If you’d like to join that merry band, then do consider becoming a paid supporter.
This week I’ve mostly been thinking about Gaza. And about the increasing impossibility of political protest. I loved this quilt designed and made by
- and particularly love the idea that quilting could be an act of defiance. Here are a couple of other pieces I’ve written on the subject which you might find helpful.Take care, Grace