Seriously absorbing Grace.

Everyone has a dark side that will be there in some shape or form I think for at base: Survival; but also at the other end of the spectrum a person can find themselves enclosed by a structure from which they cannot escape from ("in too deep too fast" or by Blackmail or Threat) and if it is the embodiment of a certain way of being/thinking a person can be taken over until destroyed, shaken out or rescued.

If they stay too long in "safe suspension" they become a further distortion...

We all need to seek a diversity of people around us to keep us grounded or be a hermit in the deep countryside!

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Thanks Bruce - totally agree with you and intrigued by your 'safe suspension' comment. What do you mean by that, being surrounded by those who reinforce our pre-existing ideas?

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Being in the strong army for a male (testosterone filled body) can easily remove the weight of being self critical and learning about other ways of being, using strength wisely, finding some love for others: that's why there needs to be sexual equality and understanding and integration at all levels to prevent pods of machine like men developing and then there's the sadness of seeing women who have to become semi/all men to fit into male worlds of work/action where their kaleidescope of emotional knowledge can't be felt/shown/registered or acted upon.

(just my two penn'orth worth as a white male southern English farmer out on the land for most of the days)

perhaps "He who sups with the Devil should have a long spoon"..!

Genesis's 'Entangled'

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